
Amber and felt

I have neglected my blog a little bit but there is a very good reason for that -- we have started a new business -- me and my husband have helped one of our friends with her felting shop for a while and now it is fully ours! Some of the beautiful things that you can find in it, also very much related...

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Traditions of amber

I have mentioned previously in my blog, that my grandfather was a national artist working with Baltic amber. I used to spend long evenings inhaling the smell of amber dust and watch him work on amazing pieces of jewelry or home decor. Some of those pieces I managed to save from being sold or handed away and can share with you here. Unfortunately...

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Summer blues and greens :)

Summer is reflecting on my posting frequency to my blog -- so much sun and lovely things outside it is hard to stay in and sit by the computer. I do however  work on new things from time to time, when I have a free minute in the evening from cat grooming, making and packaging orders (yay! :) ) and eating delicious fresh...

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Amber teething necklace review

This week has been a bit of a run :) but as I have settled down for the weekend I received great news -- one of my Baltic amber teething necklaces has received a review! Thank you Monica! http://www.mommyandlove.com/product-review-drop-of-amber-teething-necklace/ DropOfAmber Baltic amber teething necklace All the pictures are taken by me unless mentioned otherwise. If you fancy a piece of jewellery -- leave...

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A short vacation in Rome

Everyone needs time off. I'm no exception, and this short vacation was amazing -- decided to go on Saturday and was on the plane Sunday evening -- three days packed with wonderful food and sights! Great photos courtesy of Simona. Narrow streets and cozy courtyards with ancient churches in them. ...

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Lithuanian Post strike two!

Woohoo! It seems we did it again. RRT (the government agency that supervises LitPost) has just published and official reply to their policy/price change request and it's NEGATIVE! They say, that LTPost's request at the moment does not have sufficient merit and will not be upheld. Way to go! The official text can be found here (in Lithuanian) http://www.rrt.lt/lt/pranesimai-spaudai/rrt-teikia-nuomone-hc2y.html All the pictures are...

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Lithuanian Post Saga continues

Those, that have followed this blog remember, that we had a fight with Lithuanian Post office last year over some legal questions over pricing last year. This year the Post office strikes again. It seems that they have learned at least somewhat from their mistakes, as now they are trying to get the new prices and sorting rules approved by RRT (Regulatory authority...

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